With contestants from diverse backgrounds gracing the iconic hot seat, driven by dreams of fulfilling their parents' wishes, overcoming financial difficulties, or realizing personal aspirations. Television’s beloved quiz show, Kaun Banega Crorepati Season 16, has consistently been the means for dreams to turn into reality. Among those inching closer to achieving their dreams is Banti Vadiva, from Asadi, in Madhya Pradesh, who will be seen on the hotseat on Wednesday, 4th September.Caught in a cycle of poverty and having faced numerous struggles, Banti comes from an Adivasi community. However, driven by his resilience and the power of knowledge, Banti has persevered and made his way to Kaun Banega Crorepati. Ready to seize the chance that KBC offers to change his destiny and with everything on the line, Banti is prepared to attempt the 1Cr question on the show.
Banti is the first from his locality to appear on Kaun Banega Crorepati and he describes his journey to Mumbai as life-changing and deeply significant; he travelled in a general train coach, standing on one leg the entire way, viewing it as a spiritual trial that is now being fulfilled. Banti does not have a television in his house, but in 2016, he learned about KBC through a phone call and resolved to prepare himself to appear on the show.
His determination has paid off, as KBC has provided him with unimaginable experiences, like flying in an airplane along with his father for the main episode which has brought immense joy to his family. During his appearance on the show, Banti requests host Amitabh Bachchan to hand the cheque for the Super Sawaal - Dugnastra bonus win personally to his father, highlighting the transformative impact KBC has had on his life and everyone present on set acknowledged his win with a standing ovation. His gratifying gameplay also compelled AB to applaud Banti, saying, “You might come from a small community but your knowledge makes you big.”

Kaun Banega Crorepati 16: Banti Vadiva's rise from ₹260 to becoming a Lakhpati, says 'With this money, I will pay off my father's loan and show my village that dreams can come true'

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